How can I become a tester for google play closed testing

Become a Tester

Who is an app tester ?

An app tester is someone who conducts thorough evaluation of a mobile app for the purpose of detecting any bugs or flaws in the app. Besides this, he is also responsible for providing feedback about the various improvements that can be made to the user interface and functionalities of the mobile app. They are also known as quality analysts, and play a key role in the mobile app development process. Their prime responsibility is to ensure that mobile apps are functional, stable, secure and user friendly. Mobile app testers are required to prepare and execute test cases and determine whether the performance of the mobile app is up to mark or not. The various segments that generally need checking are navigation, security, device compatibility, responsiveness, user inputs etc.

A person is considered a good mobile app tester if he has good analytical skills for identifying problematic areas, good attention to detail, and good communication skills to clearly convey his findings and suggestions.

How can I earn by becoming mobile app tester ?

Net Soft Solutions can help you become a mobile app tester and earn money by spending just a few minutes per day. We do not charge anything from you for signing up as mobile app tester with Net-Soft Solutions, and there is no requirement for any kind of special training for becoming a mobile app tester.

Once you complete your FREE SIGN UP and your registration is approved, you will be able to view the list of apps that have got mobile app testing requirements, and can choose which mobile app or apps you wish to test. There is no minimum or maximum limit on the number of apps that you can choose for testing.

Process of Becoming a Mobile App Tester with us.

  • SIGN UP FOR FREE as a mobile app tester with NetSoft Solutions.
  • Upon approval, your account login details are forwarded to you.
  • View the list of mobile apps, and amount to be paid for testing for each app that require testing.
  • You choose the mobile app (or apps) that you wish to test.
  • Once confirmed, you are sent the Google Play Store link for installing the app
  • You install the app on your mobile phone from Google Play Store
  • You test the app for 5-10 minutes daily for period of 14 days. Please note that you should not uninstall the app from your device during this period. Doing so would render you ineligible for the mobile app testing of this app, and would also impact your selection for testing other apps in the future.
  • Each day, you have to upload the screenshots of using the app on your mobile phone, along with your feedback and suggestions (if any). Failure to do so would render you ineligible for the mobile app testing of this app, and would also impact your selection for testing other apps in the future.
  • Your progress of using the app, time spent on the app, and feedback would be monitored on a daily basis. This progress report would help in determining your eligibility for testing mobile apps in the future.
  • Upon completion of testing period, a confirmation would be sent to you, and you can remove the app from your mobile phone.
  • A site commission of 5% would be charged by us on the amount that you earn by testing apps. For example, if you earn Rs. 1000/-, Rs. 50/- would be charged as the site commission and the balance amount of Rs. 950/- would be payable to you.
  • The amount for testing the mobile app would start reflecting in your dashboard.
  • You can withdraw the amount 7 days after the amount is credited to your dashboard.

How much can I earn through mobile app testing

Your earnings depend upon the number and type of mobile apps that you choose for testing. For example, testing of a simple, informative app may pay you less as compared to testing an e-commerce mobile app involving online buying and selling of items. Moreover, choosing to test multiple apps simultaneously would obviously mean earning more. However, you should note that the testing needs to be done in a professional manner on an individual basis for each and every app. We closely monitor your progress and feedbacks on a daily basis, and if it is felt that the mobile app is not being done in a proper way, it might have an impact on your ratings and your selection for future apps might also be impacted. We have a reputation to safeguard, and only want serious contenders who are interested in being associated with us in the long term.

What do I need to become an app tester ?

In order to become a mobile app tester, you need to have a good familiarity with using a mobile phone to view and use mobile apps. You need to have a knack to check the various functionalities, browse the sections and functionalities that require improvements, test various options in a practical manner, just as a normal user would do on a routine basis, and detect the bugs and issues, if any, present in the mobile app. It is an additional advantage to go through other, similar mobile apps in order to find the areas where the app under testing lags as compared to other apps. Apart from the features, checking for smooth transitions among various sections and sub sections of the app is also a prime concern for a mobile app tester. Other tasks include testing apps appearance in both Portrait and Landscape mode, validating app compatibility and performance by operating them on specific settings etc.

How to test mobile apps ?

The steps involved in mobile app testing are :

  • Scope of App Testing : The first step in mobile app testing is determining the features and functionalities that are to be tested.
  • Action Plan : The mobile app tester needs to prepare a detailed action plan for testing, including preparing a timeline for conducting the test.
  • Execution : This step involves bringing into action the plan, and doing a step by step testing of each feature and functionality.
  • Bugs and Improvements : Enlist the bugs and flaws, if any, and also take a note of the proposed improvements in the user interface as well as the functionalities and features of the mobile app.
  • Review : Do a thorough review of the various features, functionalities, proposed imporvements and detected bugs and problems.
  • Feedback : Provide the list of your findings and suggestions to improve the mobile app.

What is the importance of mobile app testing ?

It takes a lot of effort to create a mobile app. But all of it can be in vain if the people who use the app encounter bugs in the app, or find it difficult to use. An app is beneficial and successful only if it provides the users with a desirable experience, both in terms of features and functionalities, as well as an attractive user interface. Launching a mobile app without proper testing may lead to bad user experience, bugs and flaws etc, which may lead to users abandoning using the app altogether. Most of the users tend to uninstall the app if they encounter bugs or errors, or even if they find the app is slow to run.

The only way to determine that the app runs in a desired manner is through a proper and thorough testing phase before making the app live for users. Mobile app testers ensure this by using an app under various test conditions, detecting bugs and issues in the process, and suggesting improvements for the mobile app. Mobile app testers check the various aspects of a mobile app like performance, appearance, functionality, security and compatibility. Common features that are given priority are the app design, user interface, theme, functionality and security. Getting the app tested through multiple mobile app testers during the Google Play Closed Testing is all the more beneficial, as feedbacks from multiple people means better insights into the shortcomings of the app, which can be taken care of by the developers before making the app live.